7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health

7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health | City of Creative Dreams


The World Health Organization recommends that each person should sleep between 7-8 hours per night, in order to maintain the best possible state of health. However, very few mentions are made with regard to the sleeping position and how it can affect our health. You might not be aware of this for a fact but the position in which you sleep can determine both your mental and physical well-being. Keep on reading and discover several ways in which your sleeping position can impact your health.


#1 General health

If you want to maintain the best possible state of health, you need to consider sleeping on your side. This position is beneficial for the hips and lower back, reducing the pressure normally experienced in this area. You need to refrain from sleeping on your stomach, as this can cause more damage than imagined. While sleeping on your side, consider setting the pillow aside. This will allow you to keep the spine in a physiological position, enjoying a restful sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, you can consider sleep supplements; read the Vita balance Nature Sleep reviews and find out useful details on such products.


7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health | City of Creative Dreams


#2 Low back pain & neck pain

Sleeping on your stomach might be a position in which you feel comfortable but, in reality, it can only increase the risk for low back pain. The more you will sleep on your stomach, the more you will affect the spine; the natural curve will flatten and low back pain will become a common occurrence. What you want to do is change the sleep position to the side.


The wrong choice of sleeping positions can lead to neck pain as well. When you opt for the above-mentioned position, you are putting yourself at risk for chronic pain in the cervical area. The neck is kept in a twisted position for a long time, which can have a negative impact on the cervical joints; if the position is not changed, your spine health might be affected.


#3 Circulation problems

A lot of people prefer to sleep on their back, as well as on their stomachs. Unfortunately, both of these positions are associated with poor blood circulation, which can force the heart to function abnormally. Such matters are even more valid for pregnant women; by sleeping on their back, the baby presses on the large abdominal arteries and causes increased blood pressure. So, you see, the sleeping position matters more than one might think.


The best thing you can do is to opt for the side-sleeping position. This will definitely improve the blood circulation, with reduced pressure and less work for the heart. In the morning, you will wake to feel rested and prepared for the day ahead. It is also essential to understand that circulation problems, caused by the inadequate sleeping position, can lead to chronic tiredness.


7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health | City of Creative Dreams


#4 Premature skin ageing

No one likes to think about the ageing process and especially about the visible signs, such as fine lines and wrinkles. But what happens when we fail to pay attention to simple matters, such as the sleeping position? Well, we end up damaging the skin and suffering from premature ageing.


In order to keep wrinkles at a safe distance, it is recommended to avoid stomach sleeping. You can alternate between sleeping on your side and on your back so that you protect yourself against premature ageing. It is also essential to pay attention to the quality of the sheets; satin pillows are highly recommended, as they guarantee the least amount of damage throughout the night.


#5 Spinal health

The spine suffers the most from inadequate sleeping positions. Back pain is the manifestation of poorly-chosen positions but, in time, the whole spinal alignment can be affected. In turn, this can lead to breathing problems, chronic changes, including scoliosis. If you want to maintain spinal health, you need to modify your sleeping positions.


For the best spinal health, you need to accustom yourself to sleeping on your side. You can either use an orthopedic pillow or just sleep without one, as this will guarantee the best spinal alignment. Sleeping on your back is recommended as well, as it will maintain the spine in a neutral position. However, this position can affect the blood circulation, so it should not be maintained for too long.


7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health | City of Creative Dreams


#6 Brain health

You might not think that the choice of sleeping positions has anything to do with the brain but, in reality, there is a strong connection between the two. According to the latest research, it seems that side-sleeping remains the best position for keeping the brain healthy. This particular sleep position has been associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.


Other positions, especially in associated with sleep apnea, have been linked with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The good news is that poor sleep habits can be improved, including when it comes to the choice of sleep positions. Accustom yourself to sleeping on your side and you will support brain health in the easiest manner.


#7 Breathing difficulties

Sleeping on your stomach might be a position you adore but it will most certainly cause breathing difficulties. People who sleep in this position often suffer from respiratory issues, with the risk of sleep apnea being considerably higher. In order to keep such matters at a safe distance, you are recommended to switch to side-sleeping or to sleep on your back (for moderate amounts).


When switching the sleep position, you will be able to notice an improvement in your symptoms. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you might also want to consider visiting a specialist and talking about potential treatment solutions.


7 Ways Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health | City of Creative Dreams



These are some of the ways the sleeping position can affect your health. The best thing you can do is educate yourself and accustom to the side-sleeping position. Use an orthopedic pillow and a good mattress, in order to protect your spine and wake up rested. If necessary, you can also consider taking sleeping pills, after talking to a medical professional about the best choices for your needs.



Contributed courtesy of Kathy Mitchell

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