14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen

14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen | City of Creative Dreams

It is no small task to keep a small kitchen organized. Keeping your small kitchen organized can be a challenge, and your kitchen setup most times dictates the moments of our home lives that make it comfortable.

 Your kitchen setup determines how fast you can grab that morning breakfast during the morning rush, or how often that home-cooked meal makes it to the dinner table. Kitchen organization is very important, and even more necessary if it is a small kitchen.
 When you have limited space for your kitchen, every single inch of space just has to work three times harder. This means you shouldn’t let a cramped space stay in the way of your freedom and creativity when trying to master that homemade recipe in your kitchen.
 This article will show you clever ways you can organize your small kitchen and at the end create a better-looking kitchen space for yourself and your family.


14 clever ways to organize your small kitchen

14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen | City of Creative Dreams

This section of the article will highlight some insanely clever ways you can utilize space in your tiny but adorable kitchen to create a better-looking spectacle than most large kitchens. The methods include


1. Make the most of your pantry:    

Optimize pantry space by cleverly organizing your groceries. Keep a scheduled rotation of grocery items like cereals, dry goods, spices, etc. This will help you avoid adding clutters to your kitchen and weed out expired products.


2. Stay on top:  

When your pots and pans are arranged above you and your stove space, it is easier to get access to your cooking utensils, everything you need is always at arm’s length. It is a clever idea to utilize spaces above you that would otherwise be left untouched.

 Utilizing those top spaces will free up space in the kitchen where you can store other items.

3. Utilize Narrow Spaces:   

Never overlook those narrow spaces in your kitchen. That tiny space between your refrigerator and the wall can be a good spot to store items like canned food. Utilizing those little spaces will help keep your small kitchen clutter-free, and also keep your kitchen organized and better looking.


4. Use open shelves:   

14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen | City of Creative Dreams

Open shelves are the thing right now in the kitchen world. They help you keep your kitchen organized and open up tight and cluttered spaces. Try getting yourself an open shelf and see your small kitchen transform magically into an Optimus kitchen prime.


5. Maximize storage spaces:    

Maximizing storage spaces is one great way to keep your kitchen organized. Look for ways you can improve on your existing storage space, and act on it. Build more shelves and add dowel rods to create placeholders and add more space to your storage.


6. No space should be left idle:

A good way to maximize your kitchen space is never to leave any space unused. Every prime space of real estate in your kitchen is absolutely important if you want to keep your small kitchen really organized.

Don’t miss using those small spaces to get the most out of your kitchen space. The organization of your kitchen depends on how well you maximize those small spaces since we all know it is the little things that count.

7. Get a wall hangar:

You can tackle closet clutters by using wall hangars. You can keep your utility closet organized by hanging those brooms, dustpans, and mops with a wall hanger. Wall hangars will go a long way in keeping those items out of your way, and also help keep your kitchen more organized.


8. Display the items you can:   

14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen | City of Creative Dreams

Organizing your kitchen is an art. Get a wall rack for your kitchen to help you serve at least two purposes, to create extra storage space, and to act as your wall art. You should do anything within your means to get your small kitchen organized and throwing in a piece of art is not an ugly idea.


9. Make use of doors:    

Utilizing cabinet doors for storage is a great kitchen organization idea. The inside of the cabinet door can create a large storage space for your kitchen, but unfortunately, it is one of the most underutilized spaces in every kitchen.

Use caddies and hooks to add extra storage space just on the back of your cabinet doors, and they will hold your grocery bags and other items in place, helping you to free up useful spaces.

10. Use clear containers for storage:    

Using clear containers as storage spaces for items used often is a good way to organize your kitchen and also make those items easily accessible. With items stored in clear containers, you can easily see what you’re running short of and easily get them refilled.


11. Get yourself a super cabinet:    

This is one of the best small kitchen organizing ideas. A super cabinet is a cabinet and pantry rolled into one super cabinet. It will help you keep your kitchen uncluttered, and this is done using just a quarter of the space taken up by normal cabinets and pantries.


12. Categorize:  

14 Clever Ways To Organize Your Small Kitchen | City of Creative Dreams

Categorizing items in your kitchen will help your kitchen have an organized look. Spatulas should be with other spatulas, pots and pans should be united, and other kitchen utensils like knives, forks, and spoons should be with their kind.


13. Purge your kitchen:   

To keep your kitchen truly organized means you have to eliminate too many duplicates. Organize your items together, have a clear understanding of what you own, then start by purging at least 2 of those 6 spatulas or salad tongs you own.

 Keep at least one or two of the items you actually use, the rest you should give away. This will help unclutter spaces and keep your small kitchen even more organized.

14. Put items closer to where they will be used the most:    

Arranging your items in close proximity to where they will be utilized is a clever way to arrange your kitchen, big or small. This way you can easily reach them when needed and put them back when you’re done.

Contributed courtesy of Mario Rolls.

Bio: Mario Rolls is the blog consultant and writer at Dump Trucks. He brings 20 years of experience in various industries including heavy vehicle blogging and dump body manufacturing business. He is working for a company in Mississippi and one of the Nation’s primary manufacturers of dump truck bodies and trailers.
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