6 Ways to Care for your Health this Winter

For many people, the wintertime means catching colds and feeling unhealthy. In order to avoid the sniffles and winter blues this season, take the extra steps necessary to care for your health. To get started, here are a few things to be mindful of during the winter and holiday season.

1. Watch what you eat.

This one might be obvious, but we all know how difficult it can be to eat healthy during the holidays. The winter seems to be all about desserts and hot meals from the slow cookers, so find alternative recipes you can make that treat your craving but are a bit healthier. Of course, the delicious, fattier, sugary options are okay in moderation. A good rule of thumb is to stick to making healthy options in your home and to keep the unhealthier options for get-togethers and events.

2. Take vitamins and supplements.

Getting into a routine of taking vitamins and supplements might be the easiest way to keep your health in check. Consult a doctor on which ones are best for your body and lifestyle. For example, if you’re a vegetarian, there are some nutrients you may be lacking in your diet that you can easily get from a supplement.

3. Keep your hands clean.

You’ve been hearing this tip since you were a kid, but it’s essential to your health to wash your hands often (and correctly). After coming in contact with others or touching a germ-filled area, wash your hands well with hot water. Having hand sanitizer at your desk or in your purse never hurts either. It’s so important, especially in the colder weather, to avoid touching your mouth, eyes, ears, and nose unless your hands are clean.

4. Take care of your body.


An excellent way to make sure you’re feeling healthy and strong is to consistently treat your body with the care it needs. This means listening to your body’s needs and addressing them. Are you experiencing sore muscles? Treat yourself to an item like a deep tissue massage roller. Are you struggling with hair loss? Start using products that prevent hair loss like the ones from hims. It can be easy to feel lazy in the cold weather, but it’s necessary to stay proactive when it comes to your body’s requirements.

5. Get out and move around.

I know that Netflix and a warm blanket are in your home and calling your name, but be sure to stay active in the colder weather. Even if the gym is not your thing, choose options that get you moving around. Take your dog for a walk instead of letting him out back. Choose a parking spot at the grocery store that’s farther away than usual. Small choices like these make a difference and help keep your body feeling its best.

6. Stick to a sleeping schedule.

Whether you’re one to stay up all night or to sleep the entire time the sun is down, start making an effort to regulate your sleep schedule. It can be tempting to sleep more now that the sun is down for longer, but sleeping too much is an issue as well. Pick a specific time to go to sleep each night and try to fall asleep within 30 minutes of that time. Your body and mind will thank you!



Post contributed by Jack Burke.


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