7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams


Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be a drastic change in the way you live day to day; rather, becoming healthier, in both mind and body, requires small, subtle changes. Over time, these small changes build upon one another, until one day you realize you feel better, look better, and have a more pleasant outlook on life. Check out the following steps you can start taking today to begin living a healthier life right away!

1. Incorporate Healthier Food Choices Gradually
7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams

Making small changes to your diet doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you don’t try to do it all overnight. Start making healthier choices by substituting fattier red meats for leaner meats, like skinless chicken breasts and salmon. Instead of reaching for potato chips when you’re craving a snack, grab a handful of lightly salted almonds or cashews. Designate at least one night each week a vegetarian night –– like Meatless Mondays –– which will both encourage you to eat more fiber and nutrient-rich vegetables while also being more environmentally conscious!

2. Find a Coffee Alternative

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams


Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages, and in the United States, it is a part of just about everyone’s morning routine. But coffee can also raise your blood pressure, trigger anxiety, and give you the jitters. Eliminating coffee from your diet doesn’t necessarily have to come at the expense of the kick you get from the caffeine. Green tea can supply the caffeine you need but without the intensity often associated with coffee. An increasingly popular substitute is all natural kratom, which provides a similar energy boost without the “come down” feeling some people experience hours after their morning latte.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams

Our bodies are composed of 60% water which we lose through breathing and perspiration. When we get stressed, our cortisol levels increase as well as our heart rates, which increases our respiration –– thus we lose even more water. Try having a water bottle with you at all times to remind you to continually hydrate your body. Maintaining your hydration levels can improve the quality and clarity of your skin, enhance your metabolism, and even improve sleep!

4. Use Herbs Instead of More Salt

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams

There’s nothing wrong with a sprinkle of salt on your food, but too much can lead to health issues. If you’re looking for a way to add some more flavor to your meals without upping the sodium to dangerous levels, go green! Fresh herbs like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (sound familiar?) can all add a complexity of flavor to your food in lieu of more salt. Herbs not only add flavor, but they also contain abundant amounts of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, and minerals!

5. Find an Exercise You Enjoy

Long gone are the days when a workout had to be a joyless experience. Today, there are countless exercise classes and workout routines you can practice that not only improve your health but are entertaining, too! Whether you’re into walking, running, biking or swimming, or trying something like yoga, CrossFit, kickboxing, or dance classes, there’s something out there that’s perfect for you! Just be sure you invest in proper attire –– whether that’s running shoes or athletic swimwear –– to make sure you’re getting most out of your workouts.

6. Practice Meditation

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams

Practicing regular meditation helps not only the mind but also the physical body, too. The daily stresses of life can cause our bodies to release cortisol, which, among other things, is an age-accelerating hormone. Over time, this can increase anxiety, depression, blood pressure and lead to insomnia. However, studies have shown that with meditation, some people can reduce their cortisol levels by up to fifty percent. But how do you start meditating? It’s easier than you might think! Simply set aside five or ten minutes in your day, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Tune out all other thoughts and check in with your body and your breath. If you’re still not sure where to begin, consider downloading a meditation app to your smart phone and let it guide you in a more mindful direction!

7. Sleep Tight

7 Tips for Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle | City of Creative Dreams

We cannot emphasize this one enough! Sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to our health. Most experts agree that the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Getting a good night’s sleep can help you maintain mental clarity, a healthy immune system, improve your mood, and more. And guess what? Eating better, increasing your time at the gym, and practicing meditation can all contribute to getting a better night’s sleep –– like we said before, transitioning into a healthier lifestyle requires small steps which build upon one another! So eat right, sleep tight, and wake up to a new, healthier you!


Contributed courtesy of Constante Quirino.

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