How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way?

How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way? | City of Creative Dreams

Are you thinking about how to organize your cloffice in the best way? Yes! I want you to sit down and get ready to be inspired because I am going to walk you through everything you need to know about organizing your cloffice. I am seriously pumped up about this article and hope you are ready to have your socks knocked off with inspiration worthy trying out for yourself!

What is a Cloffice?

If you are wondering what is a cloffice then let me tell you what it is. A cloffice is an office in the space of your closet. Think small office with a desk and some storage in the hub of your dreamy closet. It is much different than an ordinary office since it is sharing space with your closet.

Hence the name cloffice! If you are anything like me then you probably have been secretly pinning these types of pins from Pinterest and didn’t even know there was a name for this genius idea.

How to Design a Cloffice in Your Home

How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way? | City of Creative Dreams

1. Decide on where you want everything

I am all about planning out a space in your home. That way you know where everything will be and what you also need to buy for this project. Think about things like putting your desk near a window and the types of wardrobe wall units you want.

2. Go for Neutral Tones 

When thinking about how to design your cloffice, you should think about neutral tones. Why? You have many clothes, bags and shoes that range in a variety of colours so having neutral tones such as white wardrobe systems it will truly allow your clothes to really pop in your space.

3. Get Creative

One thing that really makes a cloffice stand out is your personality, so if you are interested in a rainbow theme then show that in the way you organize your clothing or add hints of it through artwork or stylish rugs. Oh, and don’t forget you can always paint the walls or add wallpaper to really make it stand out.

4.  Girl Boss Chic

Motivation is always needed to keep you inspired. So add some inspirational quotes or framed inspiration to your desk area or your walls. You can get motivational fuel just from seeing some empowering quotes

5. Strategic Storage 

It is all about the storage. If you notice, many cloffice designs have an open feel to them so get a wardrobe system that allows you to display your clothing, shoes and accessories in a way like you are strolling through one of your favourite clothing stores. You can very much design this using IKEA’s PAX series and more.

Closet Organization Tips for your Cloffice

How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way? | City of Creative Dreams

Let’s get down to the business of organizing your cloffice. One thing for sure is that you want your space to be displayed in a way that is appealing to the eye. Yes, you want to have an aspiring feel when you walk into the space that inspires you to be productive but also so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or stressed.

Here are simple ways to keep your closet organized and visually appealing:
  • Declutter Regularly – Remove all those in your closets that are too small, too tight or large. As well as items that you no longer love and are not your style anymore.
  • Create Wardrobe Sections – Create sections for where you want your work clothes, dresses and shoes.
  • Make Quick Grab Items Accessible – Put frequently use clothing/items front and centre.
  • Create a Colour Theme – Try hanging up your clothes by light to dark or rainbow.
  • Use Entire Space – Ultize your closet top shelf with bins or baskets.
  • Maximize your Space – Try velvet hangers instead of wooden or plastic ones to give your closet a uniformed look.

Office Desk Organization Tips for your Cloffice

How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way? | City of Creative Dreams

Now that we talked about the wardrobe/closet section, we also need to talk about organizing your office portion of your space. Since this is a focal point I thought you would enjoy simple ways to keep your office organized:

  • Minimal Items – Only keep the essentials and items that you need most. I am talking about the computer, computer accessories such as a mouse and keyboards along with pencil and paper storage.
  • Remove Common Clutter Items – Get rid of floating papers, mail, paperwork and organize your tax information into a folder separate from everything else or in a file cabinet.
  • Avoid Keeping Things Around You Don’t Truly Need – Keeping too many items around like old notebooks, receipts, business cards and coupons that you don’t need or use. Avoid collecting old pens or broken office supplies.

Want more Inspiration?

Final Thoughts

I gave you more than just how to organize your cloffice in the best way! If you are thinking about creating one or have one and want to maintain it with some organizing, I hope that this article has inspired you as much as it has for me. I wanted to cover all the bases on how to organize your cloffice, plus more so that you can turn what you have learned into actionable steps to make it happen. I am excited to hear all about it. Tell me below, do you have a cloffice or do you want one?

Related:  How to Declutter Your Office in a Day?



What’s your take? I welcome you to share yours below!
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2 Replies to “How to Organize your Cloffice in the Best Way?”

  1. New Office Space says: Reply

    I always look forward to reading your articles. You obviously put a lot of effort into this post, and I appreciate that.

    1. Shanice Bannis says: Reply

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words!

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