Storing Stories Organizing Binder

Do you have a young writer in your family? Then you are going to need a way for storing stories. Some teachers have the kids write stories or poems for class and throughout the years they start to pile up. You want to keep it these masterpieces but where and how? I am going to show you what I have done with all my stories that I have written throughout the years. Simple system I thought of doing to keep my written masterpieces in great shape and of course, well organized. What can I say I liked to organize pretty much anything.

Here is my organizing tip!

Choose or Buy a binder

Make sure it is a 3 ring binder.

story organizing
Buy clear covers and labels.

Insert the clear covers into the binder.

Write on the year, city, grade, teacher and school this story or poems was written onto the label. You can also add what this story or poem was for, for example, if it was for an assignment or done on spare time.

Finally, slide the story or poems into the clear cover.

Now all you have to do is put your binder onto your bookshelf.

I told you this is a simple trick to storing stories. Your young writer not only has a binder full of stories but it is organized just for him or her. No need to worry about it getting damaged because you are using protective sheets. Also no need to remember when this was written because you indicated that on the label. It’s a great way to treasure all the hard work your young one has done. I love this system and still have mine.

As a writer myself, I love looking through and seeing how much I’ve grown in writing.  If you want more ideas to inspire organization around your home check my posts on organizing report cards, instruction manuals, and finances. It’s a worthy read! Have a creative day!

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