What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home

What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home | City of Creative Dreams

What is the brilliant method to decluttering your home? I am going to share the secrets, in fact, you probably heard about it all along. There is a method to decluttering the madness in our homes and that is a step by step procedure that I am going to break down for you. Stick with me and I will give you the right tools to get your home from cluttered to neat in no time.

Empty Away

What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home | City of Creative Dreams

Start with this, choose a space in your home and empty it. I am talking about drawers, countertops, bookcase. Then put it into one location in your home such as the kitchen table, living floor or on top of your bed. This will work as your command station so that you can consume your items into one area in your home instead of multiple.

Why? Because you do not want to have more than one space to have to think about. It is only going to overwhelm you and cause you unnecessary stress. However, what you can do is bring in the right tools ahead of time. You are going to need garbage bags, recycling bags and donation bags or box.

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Sort It Out

What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home | City of Creative Dreams

Now is the time to sort through it all. That means remove things you no longer use, need or brings any value to your life. Remember that you want to declutter the clutter and you can’t save everything so lets really free up space.  So Just like you get new things to freshen up your life, you also need to get rid of things to make space for these new items.

Ask yourself question such as: Have I used this in the last six months? Am I going to use it this week or next? Did you try it out and did it work for you? If the answer is no for everything, its time to let it go, place it in a donation bag and move on to the next item.

Divide into Categories & Put Away

What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home | City of Creative Dreams

Once you have sorted out everything and removed the necessary items. Guess what, you can now see what you really have. Based on what you have left on the floor or table, divide your items into categories. For example, for clothing, you want to keep t-shirts with t-shirts, long sleeves with long sleeves and so on. Why? It is easier to find your items. For toys or games think about putting them away in bins or baskets. Categorize your papers into folders and put dividers in your drawers.

Label It

The last thing you need to do is give your bins, baskets and folders. Believe me, you are not going to regret doing that. By labelling, you are creating a more functional household because everyone will know where something is and where to put them back.

There are many different ways to label things from using a label machine, a Silhouette machine to using a laminated, adhesive or clip-on, whichever you desire it will get the job done.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we learned what is the brilliant method to decluttering your home and that is a process. By emptying the area, sorting out your belongings to get rid of the things you no longer need, divide it into categories and labelling it, you are decluttering. All you need to do is repeat the process throughout your home and you nailed this method of decluttering.

RelatedHow to Successfully Shift Your Decluttering Mindset (VIDEO)

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