How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence

How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence | City of Creative Dreams
With all the talk about spring cleaning our homes, our desk and our cars. I thought I would take a moment to talk about spring cleaning ourselves. We don’t put down our vacuums and dusters and stop to think about what we need to clean or declutter within ourselves. Interesting way of thinking about spring cleaning huh? So, what do you need to do to build your self-confidence? Let’s discuss this!

Doing to Get It Done

How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence | City of Creative Dreams

That voice inside your head that is telling you that you are not good enough or you can’t do dot dot dot is nothing but dust collecting in your mind. It is that pesky dust that is hiding away you and what you are fully capable of doing.

Think about something you found so filled with dust such as a picture frame. Could you see the full picture? No. Maybe it was filled with too much dust that you can’t see a single thing or you can make out of little items, either way, it is not a clear picture. That is what your negative voice, your self-sabotaging side kick that likes to hang out on the couch in your head is like. So how do you dust this away?
Believing in yourself is the first step. When you put that into motion you are pushing yourself towards what you want to be done. You are allowing yourself to be a beginner and to be yourself and do not care about what everyone else is doing or saying. You are ultimately putting your arms out and trying to fly (obviously not physically but you get my point.)

Improve Mind Over Appearance

How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence | City of Creative Dreams

I remember a time when I took pictures constantly and wasn’t critical of putting up a photo or a picture on social media. It didn’t take me so long to press upload but as I grew up it took longer and longer to press upload and to take a photo. I stopped liking my photos and didn’t like the person I was seeing. Do you rather take the pictures instead of being in them? Why? What is it that is causing you to hide behind the lens or say yes to upload an image to your social media?

These are questions you need to ask yourself. The items that are on the mantle in your mind needs some attention. Something is holding you back and you might not know the reason. Or you might know the reason such as someone bullying. For me, it is who I surrounded myself around in life and on the screen. Constantly comparing and comparing until I started to paint a picture of who I needed to look like. An unrealistic image that wasn’t me and wasn’t going to be me but it was always there like a poster saying this is the destination I needed to be in order press upload.
You need to declutter that thought by applying positive words and comments about yourself. Yes, it may be a struggle. I know it started off very hard for me but as time passes it will start being easier. Once you are able to confidently then you will look at yourself differently. You will want strength over a size zero and a touch of makeup over a makeover.

Keep It Up

How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence | City of Creative Dreams

As much as spring cleaning seems to only be in the spring, in this case of ourselves it is under the category of a continual process. This is not a one-off you do in spring but something you should work on throughout the year. Keep it going because when you do, it will only benefit you. Consider writing your thoughts into a journal to note down what was going on this year. When you look back next year, you will see a big difference in yourself. Don’t let setbacks hold you back and accept the failures so you can walk over it and readjust yourself for the next challenges.

Final Thoughts

So, have you started your spring cleaning for yourself? It is going to be a work in progress but spring is definitely a great time to start. Start by getting things done. Allow yourself to be a beginner and to allow yourself to be you and have fun. Therefore dust away from the negative dust. You will need to improve your mind over appearance. As much as people strive for body change you need to change your mindset towards yourself to build yourself. Replace your negative comments with positivity. By doing so you will see your self-confidence get stronger.

Do you struggle with self-confidence? Comment and tell me below!

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One Reply to “How To Spring Clean Yourself to Build Self-Confidence”

  1. […] so sad to admit but we get on our own way. It is all about the mindset. We set up so many pinecones and police tape on things that simply get in our way. It is like we […]

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