The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit

The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit | City of Creative Dreams


Essential oils have received increasing attention over the years for their aromatherapeutic benefits that can enhance health and vitality at a cellular level. These amazing oils are also incredibly versatile, showcasing their value in everything from baking and cooking to cleaning and skin care.


Remember that, although these essential oils have many health benefits, they do not replace the value of receiving proper nutrition. If you are needing to stock up on your supplements, is a great resource to research products before you buy.


And now, let’s have a look at the exciting world of essential oils!


But First, A Bit About Sustainability

There has been a lot of concern raised about the sustainability of essential oils, especially considering that a lot of organic matter is needed to distill a small amount of oil. With the increase in popularity came an increase in poor farming and production methods. Since not all oils were created equally, not all oils (although strutting the same name) will have the same effects. There are many factors to consider when looking for a sustainable essential oil.


A few of these include:


● Where the plant is grown (if it’s indigenous or not) and when it was harvested – indicating the health and maturity of the plant.
● If chemicals like pesticides and herbicides were used – these chemicals can be carried through to the oil during distillation.
● If the oil is pure or diluted with a carrier oil – impacting the potency and thus efficacy of the oil. These are often called “fragrance” oils, so be sure to read the ingredients.


The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit | City of Creative Dreams

When looking out for essential oils while shopping, keep the following in mind:

● Cheap oils without an expiration date should be avoided.
● Oils bought through places like drugstores and Amazon may not have been properly handled and could offer a spoiled product.
● Is the company free trade and follow organic farming practices? Does the company do anything else for the industry to support sustainability?
● Look out for the botanical Latin name on the bottle as that is often a sign of legitimacy.


Oils To Avoid

The following essential oils are all struggling to be sustainably produced, so to play your part, be sure to avoid this list of endangered aromatics.
● Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora & A. duckei)
● Sandalwood (Santalum album)
● Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica)
● Frankincense (Boswellia spp.)


So now that you know about sustainability and the oils to avoid, let’s have a look at the most essential oils to keep in your first aid kit.


Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

This amazing oil deserves a place in your medicine cabinet because of its antimicrobial abilities. This essential oil can alleviate infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Whether you are adding three drops to hot water and inhaling the steam for sinus and lung infections, or applying the oil directly to the skin to treat acne to athlete’s foot, to even adding it to a homemade toothpaste – Tea tree will not let you down!


Note: After six months of using a bottle of tea tree oil. It naturally becomes more corrosive and so dilution will be required for each application.


Lavender Oil (Lavendula Angustifolia)

 The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit | City of Creative Dreams

One of the more popular essential oils on the market, lavender oil has the ability to reduce the activity of the central nervous system. In doing so, this oil offers a host of health benefits such as improved sleep, better concentration, decreased anxiety, and lower blood pressure. This oil can even promote hair growth. Used in either an inhaler, a diffuser, a relaxing bath, or massaged onto skin; Lavender oil will leave you feeling calm and content.


Eucalyptus Oil (Globulusor Radiata)

The Most Essential Oils To Keep In Your First Aid Kit | City of Creative Dreams

Distilled from the leaves of a Eucalyptus tree. This oil is capable of fighting a broad range of bacteria and viruses. It has been known to be especially effective in promoting respiratory health with its ability to loosen phlegm in the lungs and nasal passages, therefore relieving coughs and congestion. Simply add a few drops of oil to hot water and inhale the steam to reap the rewards. You can also add this potent oil to an aromatherapy bath, a diffuser, or an inhaler.


Note: This oil is also known to increase the absorption of anything it contacts. So be sure to only use pure and organic substances with it instead of chemical-packed creams.


Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita)

This fresh herb has an array of fantastic benefits. Peppermint oil can help relieve nausea, promote elimination, and relax the digestive tract to relieve the symptomatic pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome. This oil can also reduce anxiety, alleviate headaches, improve athletic performance, and even repel mosquitos. When applying this oil, dilute two to three drops with a carrier oil such as almond oil or jojoba oil and rub into skin.


So now that you know about essential oils. Be sure to include these sustainable and beneficial oils in your first aid kit!


Contributed courtesy of Kathy

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